Groceries to Go

Greater Austin Grocery Shopping Service for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities

ELIGIBILITY To receive services from Groceries to Go: You must already receive a home-delivered meal service from Meals on Wheels Central Texas. Must be primarily homebound or no longer able to shop for yourself. Must have no other reliable means of getting to the Grocery Store.


Groceries to Go is a grocery shopping service that matches volunteers with seniors who can cook for themselves, but who have no reliable or consistent help with grocery shopping. If the client is able to get around on their own, volunteers help prepare a shopping list, provide transportation to and from the grocery store and assist with shopping and putting groceries away. If the client is mobility impaired, volunteers collect the grocery list and payment and do the shopping for them. Clients provide payment for all purchases. Volunteers may also be asked to pick up prescriptions if the pharmacy is near the grocery store.

Clients benefit from this program in many ways. In addition to having a stocked pantry and advice on good nutritional and health-conscious food choices, many volunteers are actually able to save money for clients by looking for bargains and coupons. Also, the opportunity for socialization and friendship is an important benefit for clients. Because they spend 2 – 3 hours together twice a month, the relationship that develops is a welcome source of support, diversion and enrichment for clients.